Friday, November 11, 2011

Top 10 Things That You Should Know About Vegetables – Facts


Top 10 Things That You Should Know About Vegetables – Facts


In most of the countries like America vegetables are not eaten too much because some people do not like eating veggies, Fruits and vegetables are essentially an after thought in most dishes. People love to eat meat and grain dishes, like chicken breast, Steaks , Hamburgers, Pasta and Pizza. Most of the people are not aware of how important and healthy these vegetables are for your health. You should add vegetables and green salads in your daily food because vegetables are necessary for healthy diet, That’s why I thought it will be really fun to share the list of 10 facts about vegetables that will be really interesting and useful for you.

healthy vegetables 10 Things That You Should Know About Vegetables – Facts


Vegetables help in weight loss because they are high in fiber, low in calories and rich with carbohydrates.


Some veggies like Okra, you think it is a vegetable but in real it is a fruit that you cook.


Vegetables are high in minerals and our body also needs minerals. So, what can be best other than veggies?


Veggies improve hair, nails and skin because they are rich in sulfur.


Veggies are rich in vitamins, nutrients and minerals and are the builders of our life.


They help in preventing us from diseases like cancer. Broccoli, cabbage and the green leaf veggies are really good for us.


As vegetables are rich in fiber so they act as intestinal broom.


Carrots help us to see in the dark, because they contain Vitamin A which prevents night blindness.


Watermelons are basically vegetables, because they are from the same family of cucumbers, pumpkins and squash.


Frozen vegetables are more nutritious than the fresh veggies because they are picked and packed at the same day and hence they lose less nutrients, while fresh veggies are picked and then supplied to market in a couple of days and hence lose a lot of nutrients.



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