Friday, November 11, 2011

Top 10 Most Populated Countries in The Year 2011


Top 10 Most Populated Countries in The Year 2011


The population is increasing gradually, all the natural land is turning to homes and buildings which is reducing the natural effect of nature. Guys here we have this article about the top ten countries which are highly populated.

Over Population Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

10. Japan

japanese flag 640 300x239 Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

Japan’s total estimated population in 2010 was 126,804,433 and is still increasing gradually.

9. Russia

russian flag 640 300x239 Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

It has total estimated population of 139,390,205.

8. Nigeria

nigeria 300x187 Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

It has estimated population of 152,217,341

7. Bangladesh

bangladesh flag 0 300x187 Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

Their estimated population in 2010 was 158,065,841

6. Pakistan

Pakistan flag 300x197 Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

Their total estimated population is 177,276,594.

5. Brazil

Brazil flag 300x238 Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

Its total population is 201,103,330.

4. Indonesia

indonesia 300x214 Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

It has total estimated population of 242,968,342

3. United States

united states flag 640 300x239 Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

It has total estimated population of 310,232,863.

2. India

india flag jpg 300x199 Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

It has total estimated population of 1,173,108,018.

1. China

chinese flag 640 300x239 Top 10 Most Populated Countries in 2011

It has total estimated population of 1,330,141,295.



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