Friday, November 11, 2011

Top 10 Most Popular Italian Awesome Food in the World


Top 10 Most Popular Italian Awesome Food in the World


Italian cuisine is eaten worldwide. Whether it is the delicious pasta or them yummy pizza, the Italian food is eaten so normally that even some people forget that pizza or lasagna is an Italian dish. Italian food is the most popular cuisine for eating throughout the globe.
Talking about the history of Italian food it began in 8 century BC, when Greek settlers colonized Sicily and Magna Graecia, in southern Italy.
The reasons people love eating it is the simple and fresh ingredients in it, which not only taste good but the smell of it carries you away with it. So, to make you guys know about the TIP TOP TEN Italian food of the world, we have this post here.


Italian Lasagna Top 10 Most Popular Italian Food in the World



Italian Spaghetti Top 10 Most Popular Italian Food in the World



Italian Pizza Top 10 Most Popular Italian Food in the World
Italian fish soup

italian fish soup Top 10 Most Popular Italian Food in the World



Italian risotto Top 10 Most Popular Italian Food in the World



italian ravioli Top 10 Most Popular Italian Food in the World


Baked Ziti
italian Baked Ziti Top 10 Most Popular Italian Food in the World



Italian gnocchi Top 10 Most Popular Italian Food in the World


Parma Ham dishes

tagliatelle with parma ham  Top 10 Most Popular Italian Food in the World



italian eliche Top 10 Most Popular Italian Food in the World 



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