Friday, November 11, 2011

Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires 2011


Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires  2011


Developed countries have more number of billionaires like US is on top of the list to have most billionaires, Let’s see nine other countries on top of list in having most billionaires


most billionaires Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011

10 : Japan

japan flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 26

09 : Brazil

Brazil Flag Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 30

08 : United Kingdom

uk flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 33

07 : Hong Kong

Hong Kong Flag Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 36

06 : Turkey

turkey flag Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 38

05 : Germany

germany flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 52

04 : India

india flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 55

03 : Russia

russia flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 101

02 : China

china flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 128

01 : United States

us flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 412





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